Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I am not going to send my babies to school outside the home. In no way do I condemn parents that choose to do so, but I believe it is Craig and my job as parents to lead our children to learn whatever it is that will make them successful in the life God has chosen for them. Most people would say I plan to homeschool my children. I use the word too, whenever I want a quick answer to the question of how I plan to get my babies educated. But what I want to do is so much more, and less, complicated than homeschooling (doing school at home). I plan to unschool my children.
You may have heard the word. Recently the unschooling movement has gotten pretty popular, especially with modern day hippies trying to stick-it-to-the-man. There are varying degrees of unschooling. On one side there are people who are basically homeschooling, just without a set curriculum, and on the other end there are parents who let their kids do whatever they want all day. I am somewhere in the middle.
It has always perplexed me why we tell our children they are special and unique and then expect them to get the very same education all the other children are getting. I reject that way of thinking. I know God has made my children unique, with their own set of interests and gifts. It is my job as a parent to lead my children in the pursuit of those interests and gifts.
In the preschool years its easy, just keep the tv off and plenty of craft supplies, books, play dough, and blocks nearby, oh, and spend a great deal of time outdoors. As they reach "school age" my job becomes a little harder. Starting off I will need to coax my babies into learning. After all what six year old little boy would rather practice writing the alphabet than play outside?

As the years go on my hope is that I will have exposed my children to such a large range of subjects that by their teens they have a pretty good understanding of the world around them and how they fit into it. By then, Lord willing, they will also be self educating and grow into adults that continue to learn throughout the rest of their lives.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Favorite Bits of Knowledge From My Parents, Random pictures of my children

(Evie with my maternal Grandfather)

Dad: Never give an honest man a chance to steal.

Mom: (About children) They're only little once.

(Calvin with my older sister, Cassie)

Do you have any favorite pieces of wisdom?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Un Bobby

"Un Bobby" bravely loading the rubber band gun for Calvin to go shoot in other people's direction.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Memories of Calvin

Calvin has a rough and tumble personality. Sometimes he is a little too rough for my liking. He likes to climb all over me, tug my hair, pinch my cheeks, and press his face (really hard) into mine. He was doing his regular thing one evening this week and my nerves were wearing thin. I told him to quit a few times, then I started to get angry. Right when I was about to lose my temper, something inside told me to pause and pay a little attention to him. So I stopped and let him bring his face up to mine. He stayed there for about 30 seconds or so. I breathed in deep and smelled him. He smelled like a dirty little boy, but under that was a faint sweet smell and...Craig. Hhmm. I just got a glimpse of Craig as a child I thought. It's funny to learn of the things we share with our parents, even things we can't see. Things like a smell. What are some interesting traits that children in your lives have inherited?
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Chubby Pink Face

After dinner, I pulled the bench from the dining room table over to the window so I could read by natural light. I don't know why I wanted to read there, just an urge for some reason. Craig and our babies were in the other room watching some strange kids movie that Craig had found on Netflix. Normally, I would've sat in with them, wanting to just spend time with them, but this time I wanted to read. I was grateful to Craig for letting me spend a while with myself. Completely absorbed in the story, I didn't notice Evelynn waddle up. By the time I did realize she was there she was already smacking my arm and yelling "Ma!" I looked down at her and my heart melted.
Her chubby little face was still covered in sauce and grease from the pizza we had for dinner. The light from the setting sun shone in the window and illuminated her shiny face in pink light. When she moved the shine showed every little curve on her face. She looked beautiful... young... dependent. I was overcome by the feeling of my responsibility to guide this little one in life, to be an example to her of what a Godly woman should be.
I know you're thinking, "Whoa, all this from a little grease and sunshine?" But it's true. I put down my book and cradled her. Does God really think I can do this?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Alum Creek

Yesterday, I took my babies to Alum Creek Reservoir. I didn't think we would be there long. I thought my babies would both hate the water and be bored with the sand. Just had a feeling. It turned out to be wrong. Calvin LOVED the water, and Evie even warmed up to it after a while. And we had fun building "Sand Castles in the Sand". =)

After a few hours Calvin was still going strong. Evie however, decided she had had enough fun and climbed up into the stroller and sat there for a good 20 minutes just watching Calvin and I run around.
The reservoir even had a little playground, so we took a break from the beach and played up there for a while.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome Home...

(Another picture that has nothing to do with my post)

Tomorrow we welcome OMLT 1.3 and my younger brother Bobby home from Afghanistan. Bobby's wife Candace, our parents and all of his sister's will be there. (praying for our brother Matt, who is suffering through Basic Training right now) Master Sgt. Reed, who was injured in action and sent home early, will also be there to welcome them back to Ohio.

We all made signs tonight. Complete with little flags, yellow ribbons, and plenty of glitter glue.

Can't wait to see them tomorrow. Praying for the rest of our troops still in danger.