Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dawning of a New Era...

Time flies now. It didn't when I was younger, single, and without my own children. Now that I am a mother, time flies. Especially when it comes to my babies. They grow up so quick. Calvin is only two, but the last time I thought about it he was only 20 months (he was 20 months when Evelynn was born, I haven't had a lot of time to think about these things). Everyday both of my babies, surprise me with something they know, that I did not knowingly teach them, or just had no idea they knew, as some things don't need to be taught.
Calvin has a weakness for playing in the baby powder. Even though he gets in trouble every time he does it. He has been getting better. But if he finds himself alone in the room with a bottle, the temptation is just too great. He succumbed to temptation today while I was in the kitchen. I called for him to come to me thinking it was much too quiet. He appeared in the kitchen doorway holding the bottle of powder. I gave him a look, took the bottle from him and headed for the play room preparing myself for the worst. To my surprise I did not see anything, "Phew," I though to myself, "a bullet dodged. Way to go Meg!" It wasn't until after I had already put the babies down for a nap that I learned the truth. Powder sprinkled on the floor, and then carefully wiped away until it it virtually invisible in the eyes of a two year old. Invisible enough even to fool his mother for the time being.
My mom teases me sometimes by saying I didn't know my children were going to be sinners. Don't misunderstand me, I know the reality of sin, especially its presence in my own life. But it coming from my sweet little ones catches me off guard sometimes. It did today. So we're moving from plain disobedience to plain disobedience with a cover up, hhmm... Let the praying continue. And perhaps more diligently?


  1. Oh I can see that day coming at our house too! Uh oh. You are right about the praying.

  2. I find myself thinking about my inability to change my babies hearts all the time. I know the unfaithfulness of my own heart. But I also need pray for my reliance on God's power and grace. Guess I need to remember that they do not ultimately belong to me.
