Monday, June 28, 2010

"Meg, Why Is There a Couch Laying Across Your Garden?"

(the blanket is on the ground to kill the grass, it is not a permanent thing)

I have to admit, the recent unintentional break from my blog was a product of a phase of lack of motivation I have been going through. It has been a chore for me to get anything done lately, don't know why and I will soon be back to normal (I hope). But even in this phase, I have diligently been taking care of my vegetable gardens; taking trips out to the back of the yard where the sun is always beating down sometimes multiple times a day, just to survey the progress. Then today when my mom and sisters came over, I heard my mom ask, "Meg, why is there a couch laying across your garden?"

At first I thought she was joking, and when at first I saw it, I still thought it was a joke of some sort. But no. Someone actually did take one of the couches that my neighbors were getting rid of, out of the alley and threw it into our yard on my garden. Why? I don't know. They were bored? Who knows. This isn't the first time I have seen random acts of vandalism, and I am sure it won't be the last. It isn't a huge deal. The couch was picked up, and I notified the proper people to come and get it. One plant was smashed beyond hope, others were damaged, but life goes on. Funny though how a small thing like this can remind you to pray, "Come quickly, Lord Jesus."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Meghann! I can't imagine someone doing such a thing ... I'm glad there wasn't more damage!
