Calvin finally got to paint his pumpkin today. He has been asking ever since we bought it a few days ago. I have him paint pumpkins instead of carve because there are no knives involved and when he gets bored he is done. No gutting left for me to do. The only bad thing was that he didn't get bored quickly enough, because after his pumpkin was covered in paint he wanted to paint mine. I guess I could always wash it off, but I probably won't.
The passage was Leviticus 18:24-30, with further reading at Revelation 6:12-17. In Leviticus God told the Israelites: You shall keep my statutes and my rules and do none of these abominations...lest the land vomit you out when you make it unclean. I have to admit when I read this passage I thought this was not going to be a very pleasant thing to put on my blog. But sin is rebellion against God. You can do nothing to make it pleasant. It is so disgusting, even to creation, that the land would reject a sinful people by expelling them from itself. Revelation says making creation sick is the least of our worries though. The passage in Revelation described a time when all the people: hid themselves in caves and rocks of mountains and said to the mountains and the rocks," Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" Can you imagine being in the position where you are begging creation to swallow you up because it is better than the alternative of facing your Creator and having to give an account of your life? When I try to imagine it my stomach turns. What would I be able to say to Him if it weren't for the blood of the Lamb? I think I would be the first on my knees begging the earth to consume me.
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