Monday, November 8, 2010

This post is brought to you by: Rob and Susan Miller!

My computer is having issues. It is old and has a lot of stuff on it. Craig and I have been taking things off of it to free up more space so that it will feel better. ALL my pictures are safe and sound (including these two of my beautiful baby), backed up on a portable hard drive my uncle Rob and aunt Susan generously gave me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rob and Susan!

The craft show is this Saturday. Still busy getting things made for that. Whatever doesn't sell there will be put on my Etsy account for anyone interested. I'll post the information for that when the time comes. I am also very happy to report that even though I have not been posting, I have been doing my Bible studying everyday. I am thanking God for giving me diligence in that area especially. It has been such a blessing and encouragement!


  1. You are welcome to be a Guest Blogger (as is Craig) anytime at
    Your Bible study may be a great source of content.
    The tag line at this Blog is Surrender. Self-Control. Service.
