Friday, February 4, 2011


(Ebie with her Christmas tea set, it is made of recycled plastic)

It is interesting to me how we go through seasons of life, even seasons within seasons. Right now I am in the "running around taking care of babies and needing the entire day just to get everyday life done".
Even though I don't get much outside of everyday chores and taking care of babies done, I have resolved to find time to read. That resolution was made at New Year's, but I reserve the right to resolve to do things after the first of the year. So far my New Year's resolution has been going well, it helps that it is enjoyable. Whoever said resolutions have to be tiring, right. So far this year I have read 41/2 books that I have always meant to read. Most of my time for reading comes when I am putting Ebie to sleep and would have to be sitting there anyway. Although when the book gets particularly good I read through her entire nap as well.

Walking every week day is another resolution I made at New Year's. That one isn't going as well as the reading, but I will not give up! No excuses will be made, although I can think of several that are pretty good.

Resolutions are very important to me. I made several resolutions in mid September of last year and only one has stuck. But the one that did stick (by the grace of God), has blessed me far beyond words. That one resolution was to have my own time in Bible study every week day. At first it was just part of my to do list, now it is a time I look forward to.

Have you made any recent resolutions?

My recent Bible studies have been about Jesus' fulfillment of Old Testament covenant designs. Most recently about Him being our priest-king, in the order of Melchizedek. And being the fulfillment of God's promise that the office of priest and king (by one of David's sons) would be filled well after the time of the exiles.

1 comment:

  1. Love your honesty in trying to make resolutions stick.
    And that they can be fun.
    And that they need not wait until Jan 1.
    Press on, as Jesus did.
    Calvary is close. Time is drawing near.
