Friday, September 24, 2010

The Last Day of Summer/First Day of Autumn

Today, I took my babies to the beach for the last time this summer, or should I say the first and only time this Fall? Discovering that it was going to be in the 90's today, I assumed this would be the last day we could go, especially since it magically becomes winter-like in Ohio on October 1st.

After the beach, we went to the playground. I picked one with kids on it so that Calvin could possibly find a playmate, he isn't the most social little boy. Two little girls started following Evelynn around, so closely in fact that their bellies were touching her back, I trailed about 3 feet behind them. Their conversation went like this "Where is that baby going? I don't know, let's follow her! She's a cute little baby. (I quite agree!) Oh, she wants to swing! She's too little to swing." By this time Calvin discovered that another child had dared to even look at his sister and came running up and shoved his way in between them all. Every move that Evie made the little girls tried to follow her and Calvin tried to cut them off. Poor little Evelynn got the raw end of the deal as she was knocked down several times and not permitted to do anything as she was thought to be too little.

Shortly after all that, I took the babies across the parking lot to the empty playground because Calvin got in to a fight with another little boy. (Sigh)

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