Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Oh How I Love Them!

It has been pointed out to me that my attitude lately has been bad, to put it honestly. Someone who loves me very much and whose job it is to say these things if they need said, told me so recently. He was very right. And I am glad he told me, not that I hadn't noticed myself, but sometimes you need someone else to say something to actually kick you back into place. I am sorry I didn't take the criticism well when it was given, but I hope (Craig) that person has seen that I have been trying. I am ashamed to say my attitude was bad in regards to my sweet babies. Oh, how I love them! But I have a heart prone to wander, and if it is not brought back to God on a regular basis it will stay out there.

It is impossible to keep my heart in the right place if I am not reading the Bible. So I have made the promise to read my Bible every morning while I have my breakfast. It has to be done at this time because I am the queen of "I'll do it after I...", and if it isn't done then it won't be done. I am also going to have to start journaling it because I read my Bible at breakfast this morning, and by lunch I couldn't remember what the passage I read was about. So MKC (My Kaleidoscopic Cornucopia) will be my journal. After every post you will see what passage I read, what it was about and some way that applies to me. I'll have to go reread today's so I can actually tell you.

As for getting back on track with my babies, that's easier. It has always amazed me how forgiving children are, especially of their parents. I have offered my sweet ones my apologies and even though they didn't really know what is going on, it is obvious they have no ill feelings toward me. I am rereading books on making early childhood happy and special, and have been surprised how much I missed just having fun (singing, playing, dancing, reading) with my babies. It makes me wonder how I got to where I was? But I guess I already answered that question. Thankful for God's grace to give, and use, faithful husbands.

This morning (and a few times since then), I read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. Paul was writing to the Corinthians and giving thanks for God's grace in granting them gifts. And encouraging them in the fact that the God who had called them, would keep them, and perfect them for the Coming day. What a encouragement it was for me to read that the God who had called me, used the husband He gave me in order to call me back again, that He might continue to perfect me, so that I could stand blameless on the day of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can relate!!!

    I think I should start your strategy too! Thanks for sharing.
