Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Picture of My Heart

Yes, I know this picture is not cute. How can such a pretty little girl look so... disturbing? But it has a story with it. Craig gave Evie her own bowl of ice cream to eat because we were busy doing other things. This was the end result. But before she made herself look like a monster she was trying to actually eat the ice cream. It wasn't going very well because she doesn't know how to use a spoon for anything other than dipping right now, so I would periodically stop and try to help her get a little bit in her mouth. I would have to pry the spoon from her fingers and yell over her that I was trying to help her as she screamed bloody murder. Doesn't she trust her own mother enough to know that I would never be trying to hurt her in any way? Hhmm... I thought. Did I just get a glimpse of my own heart?

How many times has God had to pry things out of my hands as I screamed bloody murder? Don't I trust my Creator and Heavenly Father enough to give Him control, even if at the time, it looks like He is just trying to steal my ice cream?

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