Monday, August 16, 2010

Memories of Calvin

Calvin has a rough and tumble personality. Sometimes he is a little too rough for my liking. He likes to climb all over me, tug my hair, pinch my cheeks, and press his face (really hard) into mine. He was doing his regular thing one evening this week and my nerves were wearing thin. I told him to quit a few times, then I started to get angry. Right when I was about to lose my temper, something inside told me to pause and pay a little attention to him. So I stopped and let him bring his face up to mine. He stayed there for about 30 seconds or so. I breathed in deep and smelled him. He smelled like a dirty little boy, but under that was a faint sweet smell and...Craig. Hhmm. I just got a glimpse of Craig as a child I thought. It's funny to learn of the things we share with our parents, even things we can't see. Things like a smell. What are some interesting traits that children in your lives have inherited?
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  1. I know you remember it, but I'll mention it too.
    When he was only months old, he would give kisses with his mouth open. Sometimes, it seemed like he was biting you, because he just couldn't contain himself as he shook with the pressure of his baby-kisses.

  2. Well, I can relate to having a rough child...Michaela has busted my lip open 2 times and loves nothing more than ramming into me and laughing when I say ouch. She is girl for sure but very very rough and tumble too. :)But I do love her personality anyways.

    I might just have a hard time if I have a boy who is rougher than her..wowza! I guess I'd grow in grace.
