Friday, May 14, 2010

Dirt, Ain'ts, and Pretty Good Guacamole

This morning my babies and I got up, ate breakfast and immediately went outside. I am trying to get my two vegetable garden boxes my Dad made me ready for planting. I dug up the ground were I wanted the boxes to go. And started mixing in the soil that Craig and I bought, the old fashioned way, with a shovel and my hands. The birds started going CRAZY. Squawking and chirping all over the place. They must have spotted all the worms I was careful not to smash, or maybe all the grubs I was killing with a vengeance. I laughed at myself as I gasped at every one and searched for a stick, a rock or my shovel (which ever was closest) in order to smash them. It reminded me of picking raspberries with my Grandpa Neumann in his garden when I was young. As we would pick the berries, Grandpa would take any Japanese Beetles he would find and squish them between his thumb and index finger. Now that's hard core gardening. I don't know if I will ever get to the point when I am able to squish a grub with my fingers. I'll never be that hard core. Then I wondered am I or will I ever be hard core about anything?

I went back to mixing dirt. Calvin ran around me calling for "Dad" to come and help each time he fell down (on purpose). I stopped to watch, then realized "Dad" was the dog. I love watching him pretend. I went back to mixing dirt, disturbing a few little ants nests as I did. Calvin came up to help mix, but got distracted by all the ain'ts (ants). Evie came up to help eat the dirt, yes eat, apparently she was confused. So I stopped to make lunch.

I scrubbed my hands and then brought the babies in and scrubbed theirs. The rest of them was still filthy, but my kids don't eat with their feet. After fixing the babies lunch I had no idea what to eat. I had fed a little bit of avocado to Evie (Calvin won't eat it plain), and some tortilla chips the Calvin. I'll make guacamole I thought. I smashed up some avocado, and since I didn't feel like chopping other ingredients, I went looking for quick fixes. To the avocado I added powdered onion (purchased for just these sorts of occasions), powdered lime juice, and some salt. Then sat down right in the spot Calvin had sat to eat his lunch. I ended up with some pretty good guacamole, if you ask me, and Calvin. He crept on over when he saw me dipping chips in it, he loves guacamole, and if it is approved by a two year old it has to be good.

There I sat enjoying my lunch, watching Calvin dance around the room eating guacamole, and Evie coloring, and then I realized the place in which I sat was a little damp. I glanced at Calvin's diaper. It was sagging to about mid thigh. Hhhmm... I thought, this guacamole is pretty good. And kept on eating. What does that say about my mothering? Hard core? ....Maybe.

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