Friday, December 10, 2010

Bird's Nest Ornament

It is considered good luck to find a bird's nest in your Christmas tree. (We don't believe in "luck", but it is fun to play along.) We didn't find a nest in our tree this year, so we made our own. My younger sisters made this ornament at a function a few years ago and I have been saving the idea and waiting for the year that I could make one with Calvin. I think it is adorable.

Materials: Clothes pin, acorn cap, three Navy beans, glue, ribbon and scissors (optional)
1. Glue (we used low temp. hot glue) the acorn cap (stem down) to the top of the clip end of the clothes pin.
2. Glue the three Navy beans to the inside of the acorn cap.

3. Tie a bow with the ribbon, and glue it onto the clothes pin wherever you desire.

4. Write your name and date on the back, hold up your ornament and look cute so your mommy can take another picture! ;)

Calvin loved making this ornament. Using the low temp. hot glue was a good choice, in my opinion, because it doesn't burn if the little ones touch it. Calvin was also able to handle the ornament and clip it on the tree as soon as it was assembled.

A word on my Bible studies: I have been continuing to study every day (praises to God). The studies have been about the promises the Lord gave to punish (particularly with exile) Israel for disobeying Him. Israel did fall into grievous sin later in the Old Testament and the Lord fulfilled His promise by allowing them to be taken by numerous other kingdoms, the last and most extensive exile being the Babylonian exile. I have found it interesting that even with His promises to punish them, and after many incidences when that happens, the Lord keeps telling them that if they repent and return to Him, He will not abandon them. It reminds me that God desires us to be close to Him, but our repentance is required for that to happen.

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