Monday, December 20, 2010

Busy, But Good Busy.

Earlier this month, I submitted a few of my clips/bows for review in Nie's Homemade Christmas. (If you don't know Stephanie Nielson's story you should read it on her blog, it's truly moving.) Stephanie generously set aside 5 days from her blog to feature the work of crafters and handmade goods people like me. Stephanie mentioned a few times that she wouldn't be able to review and post all the items she received. I sent in my bows/clips thinking that they wouldn't make it on the blog.

As the days drew nearer to the event, I was sure my clips wouldn't be chosen. Stephanie mentioned she has received hundreds of items. My clips didn't make the blog on Monday, so I anxiously waited for Tuesday's post. And to my great surprise/joy/relief, Stephanie had included my items in her review (here)! She even called them "dang cute"!

She put up a link to my Etsy account for any who are interested. Or you can click on my "Mini Etsy" in the sidebar to the right. Tell me what you think if you do view my Etsy account (please, please). I need feedback so I can get the kinks out quicker.

Clip making, picture taking, and Etsy posting have been taking up a lot of my afternoons lately.
I have been having tons of fun though. It is an incredible feeling to make something with my own two hands and have someone else think it is special enough to purchase it. Hopefully, this new set up lasts for a long time.

I am also thinking up new products. Things made from re-purposed materials, jewelry sets, and Buckeye necklaces are just a few of the ideas in the works.

1 comment:

  1. Keep moving forward. Times are tough. People are insanely busy. This is the perfect time to keep moving forward.

    Congrats on being featured in Stephanie's blog.
