Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm Crafty.

Working hard on my projects for the craft show in November. I am making hair clips, pins, and accessories.

I hope they sell. I feel horrible asking Craig if we can spend money so that I can try to earn some.

I wonder how the Proverbs 31 woman got her start.

Exodus 14- God tells Moses to take the Israelites out of Egypt by going "the wrong way", the way that leads them directly to the Red Sea. This was meant to make Pharaoh think they were lost and confused, but we know God had Israel's salvation in mind. When Israel was trapped against the sea, God rescued them and destroyed Pharaoh. Tabletalk says "When things happen that we do not understand or God calls us to do what is perplexing to us, we can be sure it is for His glory." I need to remember that God has fought/is fighting/will fight (and has/will defeat!) my enemies (sin and the devil). I can not save myself. Only God can save me!

Coram Deo for today says: "Salvation is a gift wholly from the Lord from beginning to end. He accomplishes our redemption on the cross and gives us the faith to appropriate that redemption for ourselves. It can be easy to forget this truth, but we must always be clear that His work alone can redeem us."

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